7 Ways To Overcome Depression Without Medication

Asma Rana
4 min readJul 3, 2021


Depression is a serious medical illness that causes feelings of sadness, loss, anger that interfere a person’s everyday life. It effects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. Depression is treatable. It could be recovered if treated well. Following are some symptoms of depression;

⦁ Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness

⦁ Emotional and physical problems

⦁ Trouble in sleeping or sleeping too much

⦁ Difficulty in thinking, concentrating or making decisions

⦁ Thoughts of death or suicide

⦁ Restlessness

⦁ Self-Loathing

⦁ Crankiness

⦁ Loss of interest

Strategies To Treat Depression Naturally

Following are the strategies to overcome Depression without medication;

1.Eat Right And Do Exercise;

What you eat has a direct effect on what you feel. There’s no magic diet that will treat depression directly but the right diet has significant effect mental health. Most of the people feel better with less use of sugar , preservatives and processed food. Don’t skip meals because it causes bad effect on mental health. Deficiencies in vitamins like B-12 trigger depression.

Physical activity and exercise can be powerful depression fighters. Research suggests that for some people exercise is as effective as medication and it also prevents from future depression episodes.

2.Sleep Regularly;

One of the causes of depression is also sleep disturbances. You may not sleep well or sleep too much. Understanding the complex relationship between sleep and depression can be important in improving sleep quality and handling depression. Focusing on improving sleep hygiene may improve the sleep quality.

3.Focus On People Who Lift You Up;

Don’t isolate yourself from the people who could play a positive role in your life. Its ok to get alone for sometime but try to keep balance ,and spend some time with positive energy people , they’ll definitely lift you up. People around you can play a vital role in overcoming the depression.

4⦁ Do Something You Enjoy;

Depression may lift you towards the sadness and overthinking. In order to get rid of it involve yourself in your favorite activities like painting , hiking , gardening, or any indoor/outdoor activity. You may feel energetic after these activities, they may lift your mood and energy.

5⦁ Spend Time In Nature;

Spending time in nature cause a good mental health. Take some time and sit in the sunlight , it will boost up your energy level , and give you hope of not letting go. Have a walk under tress because stress gives you a pleasant mood swings. Arrange a match of golf with your friends in a park, it’ll have a good impact on your mental health.

6⦁ Make Time For Fun;

Making time for pleasurable activities and quality relationships that brings you joy is an integral part of defeating depression. Simple acts like talking to your loved ones , having a comedy movie and making funny videos can help you to connect to happiness.

7⦁ Have Some Pets;

Pets can bring joy and companionship in your life, and you feel less isolated. Pest specially dogs and cats add real joy in your life, and reduce stress , anxiety and depression in your life. To play with a dog or cat can elevate the levels of Serotonin and dopamine which make us calm and relaxed.



Asma Rana

A Content writer, with adapt creativity in mobilizing the thoughts in words.